Example page

This is an example page for your Chevereto site. You can edit and learn from this file located in /content/pages/default/tos.php. If you want a real world example you should check the contact page which is contact.php in the same folder.

Creating and editing pages

To add or modify a page go to Dashboard > Settings > Pages and do what you need. From the admin dashboard you can add pages, change page type, set the display order and more.

Custom styles and coding

Chevereto pages uses full PHP code which gives you the power to highly customize how a page should look and operate. You can use your own header, footer, style sheets, etc. You can even create pages that look completely different from the main site look and and use all the system classes and functions (Both G\ and Chevereto) to make it easier and yet more powerful.

More help

If you need more help we suggest you to go to Chevereto support and read the G\ Library documentation. View the code of this file will also help you to understand the magic behind this system.

Edit any image by touching the image preview
You can add more images from 你的電腦 or 加入圖片連結.
You can add more images from 你的裝置, 截圖 or 加入圖片連結.
上傳中 0 圖片 (0% 完成)
佇列上傳中. 需要一點時間來完成
上傳的內容已經添加到 您已經可以使用剛剛上傳的建立新相簿
發生錯誤, 系統無法處理您的請求.
    注意: 部分圖片無法上傳. 了解更多
    檢查 錯誤報告 來了解更多訊息.